The International Statistical Seismology (StatSei) workshop is a well-established biennial meeting focusing on state-of-the-art developments in statistical seismology. The meetings cover a series of topics, including statistical descriptions of earthquake occurrences, earthquake source physics, earthquake forecasting and forecast evaluations, and many more. Starting in 1998, the meeting was held in China (1998 and 2013), New Zealand (2001, 2017), Mexico (2003), Japan (2006, 2019), Italy (2007), the United States of America (2009), Greece (2011), Germany (2015) and France (2022).
Statistical seismology is the application of rigorous statistical methods to earthquake science with the goal of improving our knowledge of how the earth works, especially the complex, unstable process which leads to earthquake ruptures. A natural development is to design forecasting models which allow us to estimate probabilities of occurrences of future earthquakes for the purpose of earthquake disaster mitigation.
The following is an initial list of topics. The final version will be determined by the programming committee.
1.Development of statistical models and methodologies for seismicity analysis
2. Earthquake physics
3.Earthquake forecasts and testing, ground shaking simulation, disaster mitigation
4.Extending statistical seismology beyond seismicity, such as seismic inversion, tremor, slow earthquakes, icequakes, planetary quakes etc.
5.Recent developments of Bayesian and machine learning methodologies in seismology
6.Recent advances of China Seismic Experiment Site (CSES) and Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP)
This conference will bring together scientists from all over the world to discuss a range of research topics in this field, in the form of oral and poster sessions. CORSSA (the Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis) will organize two tutorials before the conference starts.
Statsei 13 will be held on March 17-20, 2024, at the convention center of Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.
The tutorials will be on March 16. More information is TBA.
T.B.D (by Jan.30, 2023)
T.B.D (by Sep.30, 2023)
Via submission system (Oct.1-31, 2023)
Local Organizing Committee
Yaolin Shi (Chair)
Xiaofei Chen (Co-Chair)
Peng Han (General Secretary)
Ruijia Wang (Secretary)
Miao Miao (secretary)
Jiawei Li (secretary)
Huihong Cheng
Qinghua Huang
Shiyong Zhou
Huai Zhang
Cuiping Zhao
Changshen Jiang
Shi Chen
Lingyuan Meng
Guixi Yi
Weiwei Wu
Yicun Guo
Ke Jia
Yue Liu
Ying Chang
Rui Wang
Hongmei Wang
International Organizing Committee
Yehuda Ben-Zion (USC/SCEC, Los Angeles, USA), Annemarie Christophersen (GNS, Lower Hutt, New Zealand), David Marsan (USMB, Le Bourget du Lac, France), Stefan Wiemer (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland), Jiancang Zhuang (ISM, Tachikawa, Japan), Warner Marzocchi (U. Napoli, Italy), Abhey Bansal (CSIR-NGRI, India)
Jean-Paul Ampuero (IRD-OCA, Nice, France), Sebastian Hainzl (GFZ, Potsdam, Germany), Agnès Helmstetter (CNRS-UGA, Grenoble, France), Zachary Ross (CalTech, Pasadena, USA), Maximilian Werner (University of Bristol, UK), Zhongliang Wu (IEF, CEA), Yongxian Zhang (IEF, CEA), Qifu Chen (IGG, CAS), Ting Wang (U. Otago, New Zealand), Matthew Gerstenberger (GNS, New Zealand), Andrew Michael (USGS, USA), Morgan Page (USGS, USA), Frederic Schoenberg (UCLA, USA), Zhigang Peng (Georgia Tech,USA), Hongfeng Yang (CUHK),Gang Luo (WHU)
Registration fee is CNY 2200.00 (about USD 300.00) for a normal participant and CNY 1100.00 (about USD 150) for a student participant or a companion. Early-career research and student could apply for a waiver of the registration fee and/or a travel grant for lodging. The registration fee will be used to cover
Lunches, coffee breaks (Mar. 17-20, 2004)
Use of the facilities at the SUStech Convention Center
Ice break on Mar 16 evening
Dinner on Mar 17 evening
Excursion on Mar 19
All the details about the location and the facilities can be found at the Sustech webpage.
StatSei Conferences are usually held every two years and are in a different country every time.
Past Conferences:
Cargese, France, 17-21 October 2022. [StatSei12]
Motohakone, Kanagawa, Japan, 18-21 August 2019. [StatSei11]
Wellington, New Zealand, 20-24 February 2017 [StatSei10]
Potsdam, Germany, 14 -18 June 2015. [StatSei9]
Peking University, Beijing, China, 11-15 August 2013. [StatSei8]
Thera (Santorini), Greece, 25-27 May 2011. [StatSei7]
Lake Tahoe, California, U.S.A., April 12–16, 2009. [StatSei6]
Erice – Sicily (Italy), May 31-June 6, 2007. [StatSei5]
Shonan Village campus, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, January 9-13, 2006. [StatSei4]
Juriquilla-Queretaro, Mexico, May 4-7, 2003. [StatSei3]
Wellington, New Zealand, April 18-21, 2001. [StatSei2]
Hangzhou, China, July 1998 [StatSei1]
Please contact [email protected] for any questions related to the conference.